What’s New at DC Publishing

It’s been a busy few weeks at DC Publishing. As well as welcoming two new members of staff to the fold, we’ve been busy working on six new magazines, which are all out now!

As well as our regular titles Source, Teachers’ Resource and Enable, we’ve been working on the following…

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Teachers’ Resource SEN

When working on Teachers’ Resource, the free magazine for secondary school teachers in Scotland, we noticed a demand for a similar product for staff in ASN schools – so we made one. Teachers’ Resource SEN is packed with lesson ideas and inspiration for teachers, stories from ASN schools across the nation and info on professional development too. We’ll be publishing this twice a year.

The Student Bible

Ahead of freshers’ week, we put together the second edition of The Student Bible, a free survival guide for new students heading to college and uni here in Scotland. Packed with city guides, fun features and top tips to help our readers get through their first year in one piece (or as close to one piece as possible), The Student Bible is a fantastic read, with an eye-catching, edgy design.

Enable – The Road to Rio Souvenir Edition

Before the Paralympic Games kicked off in Rio, we put together a 52-page special edition of Enable, the UK’s leading disability magazine, dedicated to the world’s biggest disability sporting event. With athlete interviews, a guide to the different sports on offer and info on getting active yourself, it’s a fantastic read.

And with that all off to print and out in the hands of our readers, we’re onto the next run! In amongst our usual titles, we’re working on a couple of special products – including the much-anticipated relaunch of Family Life, Scotland’s lifestyle magazine.

And as we’re growing our portfolio, we’re expanding our team too – we’re in the process of recruiting for a talented designer to join us on a full-time basis. Find out more here.

Now, if you’ll excuse us – I think we’re all due a cup of tea before we get back to creating some more magazine magic…